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Today's Devotional

Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:14

From a manmade bridge on the small Caribbean island of Eleuthera, visitors can admire the stark contrast between the roiling dark blue waters of the Atlantic and the calm turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. Over time, storms washed away the original strip of land once marked by a natural stone arch. The glass window bridge that now serves as a tourist attraction on Eleuthera is known as “the narrowest place on earth.”

The Bible describes the road that leads to eternal life as narrow “and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:14). The gate is considered small because God the Son is the only bridge that can reconcile fallen man and God the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit (vv. 13–14; see John 10:7–9; 16:13). However, Scripture also says that believers from every people, nation, and societal rank can enter heaven and will bow before the King of Kings and worship together around His throne (Revelation 5:9). This phenomenal image of contrast and unity includes all of God’s beautifully diverse people.

Though we’re separated from God by our sin, every person God created is invited to enter eternity in heaven by walking this narrow path of reconciliation through a personal relationship with Christ. His sacrifice on the cross, resurrection from the tomb, and ascension to heaven is the good news, accessible to all and worth sharing today and every day.

How did you respond after hearing the good news? How can you be more intentional about sharing it with others?

God the Father, please empower me through Your Holy Spirit so I can show others the accessible path that leads to Your approachable Son, Jesus.


Today’s passage (Matthew 7:13–14) begins the last section of the Sermon on the Mount. Over the centuries, these words of Jesus have become foundational, but when we slow down and absorb the imagery Jesus paints, we begin to feel their true weight. The words Jesus uses to describe the gates and roads (wide and broad/small and narrow) bring with them comfort and challenge. The first pair gives the hearer a sense of comfort and ease. There’s no challenge to crossing through a broad gate, and a wide path leaves plenty of room for exploration and wandering. Those who walk the wide path don’t need to focus or be deliberate. The small gate and narrow path, on the other hand, express intentionality. Choosing this door and path requires a choice and a focus on one’s actions.

By |2021-08-11T09:06:03-04:00August 11th, 2021|
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