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Ask the Man Who Owns One

Let me tell you what [God] has done for me. Psalm 66:16

In the early 1900s, the Packard Motor Car Company generated a slogan to entice buyers. “Ask the man who owns one” became a powerful tagline, one that contributed to the company’s reputation as manufacturing the dominant luxury vehicle in that era. What Packard seemed to understand is that personal testimony is compelling to the hearer: a friend’s satisfaction with a product is a powerful endorsement.

Sharing with others our personal experiences of God’s goodness to us also makes an impact. God invites us to declare our gratitude and joy not only to Him but also to those around us (Psalm 66:1). The psalmist eagerly shared in his song the forgiveness God granted him when he turned from his sins (vv. 18–20).

God has done amazing works in the course of history, such as parting the waters of the Red Sea (v. 6). He also does amazing work in each of our personal lives: giving us hope in the midst of suffering, giving us the Holy Spirit to understand His Word, and providing for our daily needs. When we share with others our personal experiences of God’s work in our lives, we’re giving something of much greater value than an endorsement of a particular purchase—we’re acknowledging God’s goodness and encouraging one another along the journey of life.

Who can you tell about God’s work in your life? What story can you share?

God, help me declare the many wonderful ways You’ve worked in my life!


The psalmist writes pointedly about God’s direct role in the bad things that happened to His people (Psalm 66:10–12). This is in no way an accusation against God; rather, it’s an acknowledgment of His love. God had orchestrated those things in order to gain their attention. Without that intervention, they would have continued in their destructive behavior. But before the psalmist makes this point, he invites “all the earth” (v. 1) and “all peoples” (v. 8) to sing God’s praises. In other words, this songwriter is calling on the whole world to join him in praising the One worthy of all praise. God’s plan all along had been for His people to point all peoples to Him. 

Tim Gustafson

By |2019-07-29T13:37:09-04:00August 4th, 2019|
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