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Food That Says I Love You

Today's Devotional

He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them. Luke 22:19

I attended a family birthday gathering where the hostess wove the theme of “favorite things” into the decor, the gifts, and—best of all—the food. Because the birthday girl loved steak and salad—and white chocolate raspberry Bundt cake—the hostess grilled steak, spun spinach, and ordered that favorite cake. Favorite foods say, “I love you.”

The Bible contains many references to banquets, feasts, and festivals, pairing the physical act of eating with celebrations of God’s faithfulness. Feasting was a part of the sacrificial system of worship practiced by the Israelites (see Numbers 28:11–31), with Passover, the festival of weeks, and new moon feasts held every month. And in Psalm 23:5, God prepares a table with an abundant meal and cups overflow with mercy and love. Perhaps the most lavish pairing of food and wine ever expressed was when Jesus broke a piece of bread and took a cup of wine, illustrating the gift of His death on a cross for our salvation. He then challenged us to “do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).

As you partake of food today, take a moment to consider the God who made both mouth and stomach and offers food to you as a language of His love in celebration of His faithfulness. Ours is a God who feasts with the faithful, pairing His perfect provision with our great need, saying, “I love you.”

What is a favorite food that you use in celebration? How can you thank God as you enjoy food today?

Thank You, God, for all You faithfully provide, including my daily bread and my very salvation.


In Luke 22, which records the Last Supper, Jesus introduced the Passover meal by declaring how much He anticipated sharing it with His disciples (v. 15). The phrase “I have eagerly desired” is variously translated as “with desire I have desired” or “I have earnestly desired.” The Greek words express a deep and passionate desire that’s expressed in a singular focus and drives a person to action. The base word epithymeō can be, and often is, translated in a negative sense as “lust” or “covet.” The point is the strength of the desire. Christ’s passion for this meal was predicated on the fact that once He’d eaten it, He wouldn’t eat it again until God’s kingdom comes in its fullness (v. 16).

By |2022-07-08T02:33:04-04:00July 8th, 2022|
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