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But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9

“He’s going to find me,” I thought. I felt my little heart pound faster as I heard my five-year-old cousin’s footsteps around the corner. He was coming closer. Five steps away. Three. Two. “Found you!”

Hide-and-seek. Most have fond memories of playing the game as children. Yet sometimes in life the fear of being found isn’t fun but is rooted in a deep instinct to flee. People may dislike what they see.

As children of a fallen world, we’re prone to play what a friend of mine labels, “a mixed-up game of hide-and-seek” between God and us. It’s more like a game of pretending to hide—because either way, He sees all the way through to our messy thoughts and wrong choices. We know it, though we like to pretend He can’t really see.

Yet God continues to seek. “Come out,” He calls to us. “I want to see you, even your most shameful parts”—an echo of the same voice that called to the first human who hid out of fear: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). Such a warm invitation voiced in the form of a piercing question. “Come out of hiding, dear child, and come back into relationship with Me.”

It may seem far too risky, preposterous even. But there, within the safe confines of our Father’s care, any of us, no matter what we’ve done or failed to do, can be fully known and loved.

How is it comforting to know that God sees you and yet still longs for you to come to Him? How is that knowledge freeing?

The One who fully knows us unconditionally loves us.


In today’s reading, we see how Satan misquoted God’s words. Adam and Eve were restricted from only one tree—“the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:16–17)—not every tree (3:1). “You will not certainly die” (v. 4) was a deliberate lie (2:17). Eve also added to God’s instruction and said, “You must not touch it” (3:3). Paul says Eve was deceived by Satan’s cunning ways (2 Corinthians 11:3). We’re to be alert (1 Peter 5:8) so that “Satan might not outwit us” (2 Corinthians 2:11).

K. T. Sim

By |2019-06-19T16:10:12-04:00June 22nd, 2019|
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