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Keepers of the Light

For God . . . made his light shine in our hearts. 2 Corinthians 4:6

They call them “Keepers of the Light.”

At the lighthouse on the cape of Hatteras Island just off the North Carolina coast of the United States, there’s a memorial to those who’ve tended the light stations there since 1803. Shortly after the existing structure was moved inland because of shoreline erosion, the names of the keepers were etched on the old foundation stones and arranged into an amphitheater shape facing the new site. That way—as a placard explains—today’s visitors can follow in the historical keepers’ footsteps and “watch over” the lighthouse as well.

Jesus is the ultimate light-giver. He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). That’s a radical thing for anyone to claim. But Jesus said it to affirm His relationship with His heavenly Father, the Creator of light and life who sent Him.

When we look to Jesus for salvation and follow His teaching, we’re restored in relationship with God, and He gives us new power and purpose. His transforming life and love—“the light of all mankind” (1:4)—shines in us and through us and out to a dark and sometimes dangerous world.

As believers in Jesus, we become “keepers of the light.” May others see His light shine from us and discover the life and hope He alone can give!

In what practical ways can you shine Jesus’ light? Where is God calling you to be obedient to Him today?
Jesus, I praise You for Your light and love. Help me to shine for You.


The gospel records fall into two categories: the Synoptic Gospels and the gospel of John. The “Synoptics,” which means “with a common view,” are Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Although they offer varying details to help them tell the story of Jesus in a unique way, they still have a common perspective because they often tell the same stories. John’s gospel is very distinct from the Synoptics, containing 92 percent unique material. One distinctive of John’s gospel is the emphasis on themes of light and truth. John expresses the reality that Jesus is the embodiment of truth and light.

By |2020-05-14T11:59:37-04:00May 23rd, 2020|
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