
About Dave Branon

If you've read articles by Dave Branon over the years, you know about his family and the lessons learned from father- (and now grandfather-) hood. After serving for 18 years as managing editor of Sports Spectrum magazine, Dave is now an editor for Discovery House. A freelance writer for many years, he has authored 15 books. Dave and his wife, Sue, love rollerblading and spending time with their children and grandchildren. Dave also enjoys traveling overseas with students on ministry trips. Find books by Dave Branon

God’s Great Creation

By |2018-06-22T11:26:09-04:00July 5th, 2018|

On a recent visit with some of our grandchildren, we enjoyed watching a web cam that focused on an eagle family in Florida. Every day we would check in on the mom, the dad, and the baby as they went about their daily routine in their nest high off the ground. Each day the parent birds would keep a constant, protective vigil over the eaglet, bringing it fish from a nearby river for nourishment...

A Warm Welcome

By |2018-06-01T12:32:26-04:00June 10th, 2018|

“Who will hug everybody?” That was one of the questions our friend Steve asked after he got the news that he had cancer and realized he would be away from our church for a while. Steve is the kind of man who makes everyone feel welcome—with a friendly greeting, a warm handshake, and even a “holy hug” for some—to adapt an application from Romans 16:16, which says, “Greet one another with a holy kiss...”

A Good Season

By |2018-03-16T15:21:46-04:00March 20th, 2018|

Today is the first day of spring in the northern half of the world. If you live in Australia, it’s the first day of autumn—the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere. Today, the sun shines directly on the equator, and the hours of daylight and nighttime are nearly equal around the world...

Everywhere and Nowhere

By |2018-02-05T16:11:03-05:00February 10th, 2018|

A family friend who, like us, lost a teenager in a car accident wrote a tribute to her daughter, Lindsay, in the local paper. One of the most powerful images in her essay was this: After mentioning the many pictures and remembrances of Lindsay she had put around their house, she wrote, “She is everywhere, but nowhere...”

It Is Amazing!

By |2018-02-03T19:25:15-05:00February 4th, 2018|

In our natural state, we all fall short of it (Romans 3:23). Jesus was the radiance of it (Hebrews 1:3), and those who knew Him saw it (John 1:14). In the Old Testament, it filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34–35), and the Israelites were led by it. And we are promised that at the end of time, heaven will shine with it in splendor so great there will be no need for the sun (Revelation 21:23)...

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