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Dealing with Disappointment

Today's Devotional

I had it in my heart to build a house . . . for the ark of the covenant. 1 Chronicles 28:2

After raising money all year for a “trip of a lifetime,” seniors from an Oklahoma high school arrived at the airport to learn that many of them had purchased tickets from a bogus company posing as an airline. “It’s heartbreaking,” one school administrator said. Yet, even though they had to change their plans, the students decided to “make the most of it.” They enjoyed two days at nearby attractions, which donated the tickets.

Dealing with failed or changed plans can be disappointing or even heartbreaking. Especially when we’ve invested time, money, or emotion into the planning. King David “had it in [his] heart to build” a temple for God (1 Chronicles 28:2), but God told him: “You are not to build a house for my Name . . . . Solomon your son is the one who will build my house” (vv. 3, 6). David didn’t despair. He praised God for choosing him to be king over Israel, and he gave the plans for the temple to Solomon to complete (vv. 11–13). As he did, he encouraged him: “Be strong and courageous, and do the work . . . for the Lord God . . . is with you” (v. 20).

When our plans fall through, no matter the reason, we can bring our disappointment to God who “cares for [us]” (1 Peter 5:7). He will help us handle our disappointment with grace.

When have you put a lot into plans that then fell through? What helped you to deal with your disappointment?

Dear God, thank You that Your promises and plans never fail. Please help me when mine do.

For further study, read When Disappointment Deceives.


In 1–2 Chronicles and 1–2 Kings, we encounter accounts of Israel’s history that share many similarities. The two have distinctive theological emphases, however. The books of 1–2 Kings were written while the Jewish people were experiencing exile, and a primary purpose of these books is to explain why the exile happened—because of the nation’s sins. For this reason, 1–2 Kings strongly emphasize the negative aspects of the nation’s history. In contrast, 1–2 Chronicles, written after the exile was over, focus on more encouraging aspects of the nation’s history to give the Israelites renewed hope to serve God.

By |2023-08-27T02:33:26-04:00August 27th, 2023|
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